Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Change Look & feel of MyPasswords to Nimbus

If you prefer the Java's new default look and feel, you can change your MyPasswords look and feel from system look and feel to Nimbus.

  1. Go to your installation directory (if you use installer version) or go to the directory in which you have extracted the archive file of portable version of MyPasswords
  2. Open the file settings.properties in Notepad or Gedit.
  3. Change systemLookAndFeel=true to systemLookAndFeel=false

Friday, February 18, 2011

MyPasswords 1.0 defeats KeePassX

I can't believe but I heard about an article in LinuxFormat yesterday which reviewed 8 password manager software for Linux. MyPasswords is the 7th candidate and the final winner following by KeePassX.

I'm really exited and try to make it even better in the future. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

TurtoiseSVN on Linux

Today, I was looking for the best alternative for TurtoiseSVN on Linux. I went through many pieces of software including RapidSVN which I found that users are disappointed with it and it hasn't reached to the version 1.0 either.
Finally I found RabbitVCS. According to the reviews on the net and users' recommendations it is the best alternative for TurtoiseSVN on Linux.
By the way, VisualSVN is a nice and easy to install SVN server.

MyPasswords 2.3

The version 2.3 of MyPasswords released.

New features:
  • file encryptor
  • more secure database encryption
  • brows window