Friday, May 22, 2009

Google Goof in Picasa for Linux

I use Picasa 3 for linux on my Ubuntu. I pressed the Movie button moments ago and Picasa showed me a dialogue box which contains this message: "This feature is not supported for Windows 2000"!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

AjaxContent Updated

AjaxContent class, second island of Ajax Islands project, updated!
Please check it out and take a look at new feature, loaderContainer.

I'm waiting to receive your feedback.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Jaunty Jackalope

In the past weekend I got noticed that Ubuntu version 9.04, Jaunty Jackalope, released! I was too inpatient to wait to receive a copy of 9.04 alternate ISO from my friend! So I decided to get ready to upgrade my 8.10 Ubuntu using update-manager -d command.
I started at night and it finished next day at noon.
I've used my new OS for 2 days and I have no problem except an small issue about which I've asked here.
The default theme and login windows has been changed, and many features have been added.

I guess I like it!