Monday, May 12, 2008

My first Java program in Linux

Finally I succeeded in installing Eclipse on my Ubuntu Linux. It detects the gcj which is installed by default on the Linux. Since JAVA_HOME was set successfully. I started coding to check the differences of executing Java programs on a new environment! I checked some simple console programs and then I wrote a simple JFrame program. The frame was so nice in GNOME environment but as I noticed instantly the frame was not responding to the events very well during the resizing, maximizing and ... And it failed to responded when I tried to close it!!! Later on I decided to change my JVM to the Sun JVM. I installed JDK 6u6 and altered JAVA_HOME. Oh yes! now it works fine!!! I should say it could be the gcj fault!

Please write your similar experiences on this topic.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pronunciation of Linux

Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, explains how the word should be pronounced.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sudo is older than me!

I installed my first Ubuntu Linux last night! It is actually my first Unix-based OS that I really got fascinated by it. I'm installing LAMP (actually AMP since L is installed already). During the execution of the commands I got interested in the history of Sudo. I know what it is for and I guessed it should be a new command so I looked for a brief history of Sudo and I found Sudo is 4 years older than me! lol...